
More students living close to campus should ride bicycles

There are two things every Cal State Long Beach student knows about the school: it has terrible parking, and it’s a commuter campus. That being said, why not commute the right way and avoid parking issues?

Far too many students living less than five miles from campus continue to drive to school. This option not only wastes money in gas and parking permits but also harms our environment. I am sure you have heard that our planet’s current carbon dioxide levels are some of the highest we’ve seen.

The car you drive releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and these gases damage the Earth. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website, “In addition to carbon dioxide, automobiles produce methane and nitrous oxide from the tailpipe and emit hydro fluorocarbons from leaking air conditioners.”

So by driving your car to campus for a few miles, you are contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and, therefore, global warming.

There is a solution, though. Try building up some leg strength and ride a bike.

If saving the environment is not convincing enough for you, there are other benefits that come with biking to campus. Choosing to ride a bike to school will save gas money and students from paying $123 for a parking permit each semester.

With a bike, students can avoid the terrible parking system, which most students hate. Also, students can save that 15-minute walk from the parking lot and lock their bikes right next to their classrooms.

Furthermore, riding a bike is a form of exercise, so students can not only save the environment but will also look good doing it!
Riding a bicycle is a great way to tone the body and burn off excess calories.

Being a student in Southern California, the weather usually permits riding a bicycle. It is sunny outside most days of the year, and riding a bike in the morning gives the opportunity to embrace that beauty. It may help students feel more in touch with nature.

If students don’t have a bike, there are a few options to purchase one.

Depending on the type of bike, they can be pretty cheap. For students who are fast-paced with a busy schedule, I would recommend the road bike.
However, those just looking for a leisurely ride should probably buy a beach cruiser. These bikes are not only more comfortable than the road bike, but they also run much cheaper. Beach cruisers are available even at Wal-Mart for under a hundred bucks.

Of course, like most things in the world, one can make the decision to purchase a used bicycle to get a price that is significantly cheaper; just make sure you are aware of the condition it is in before you pay for it.

I know that most students who drive to campus only do so because it is more comfortable to sit inside a car than it is to pedal a bicycle.

Maybe some have never contemplated any alternative actions.

Whatever your reason, or excuse, riding a bike will benefit you, both in the short-term and in the future.

Keep an open mind and experience the open air that lies ahead for the bike rider.

Nicolette Norris is a freshman journalism major and a contributing writer for the Daily 49er

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