Letters to the Editor, Opinions

Letter to the Editor: Obamacare has affected many Americans

How is Obamacare working out for your family?

The new health insurance program is disrupting the healthcare system as well as the insurance program.

I have already begun to see the negative effects in Kaiser Permanente.

In the past, Obama said, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. Period.”

This does not seem to be the case.

I am one of more than one million Californians who have lost their health insurance.

As Mathew Fleischer wrote in a Los Angeles Times op-ed column, “Most young, middle class Americans I know are happy that millions of previously uninsured people will receive free or heavily subsidized insurance under the Affordable Care Act.”

Fisher will have to foot the bill with his individual healthcare policy as well as his own money.

Obama and his administration knew that, hidden in the bill, was a sentence that caused the cancellation of many people’s health insurance policies.

Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute reported that by 2010, Obama’s administration knew that 93 million people would lose their health insurance, according to an article from Forbes.com.

For example, my son, who has family of four and studies at Cal State San Marcos, was one of those whose policy was cancelled.

His former policy cost $575 a month with a $3,500 annual deductible for each family member.

The policy, however, was considered terminated by the government because he had to increase his deductible last year to save on the monthly premium.

The cheapest Obamacare policy is a “bronze policy,” which will cost him $850 per month and a $5,000 annual deductible for each family member.

The policy comparable to his current policy, though, is a “silver policy,” which would cost $985 per month.

That is an increase of 73 percent in his premiums and a 43 percent increase in the deductible.

The government cannot dump 30 million new people into the healthcare system without making provisions for them and harming individual healthcare.

So much for Obama’s promise that the average family will save $2,000 per year.

You may wish to look up the definition of a lie.

Ask your parents what has happened to their insurance premiums.

George A. Kuck is a retired physics professor from Cal State Long Beach.

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